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Build Your Trip

Bring your Family, Friends or Church Group
Select your Country of Service

Build Your Own Team Today!

You have a heart to serve the Lord in missions, but can't be gone for the whole summer. Grab some family or friends, choose your country, your dates, and we'll take care of the rest...

Build your own Team is a customized approach to helping families, church groups, college students, or professionals fulfill their desire to make a difference in missions. Teams can serve in any of the 19 countries where Teen Missions currently operates. You bring the passion... We bring the experience!
Length of Trips Offered
1—2 Weeks
Months Offered
18+ (unless with Parents)
Varies by location & project


What better way to make memories as a family than to serve the Lord together in work and ministry at an overseas Teen Missions base?

College Students

Many colleges give (or even require) service credits as a part of their curriculum. Consider forming a group from your college to travel during the Fall, Winter, or Spring.

Church Groups

Are you a part of a missions class, women's Bible study, or maybe a men's work fellowship? Deepen your friendships and see the whole church participate in sending a customized team to any of the 19 countries where Teen Missions is currently serving


Are you a professional or tradesman? Assemble a specialized team and use your talents for the kingdom!  Imagine a whole team of doctors, dentists, builders, electricians, get the idea! Many of our overseas bases are in desperate need of your gifts and talents.
Contact Teen Missions today and discuss how a group from your family, church, school or workplace might serve on a customized trip.